
Data on Le Tour

For the stats lovers, the official Tour de France website has lists of riders’ results since 1903. You can find everything from rider numbers to final positions, times, gaps, stage winners, and jersey wearers.

Two stats for you:

  • 2020’s Tour de France has 21 stages covering 3,483 km (2,164.2 miles). In 1903, there were 6 stages covering 2,428 km (1,508.7 miles).
  • The average speed in 1903’s Tour de France was 25.679 km/h. In 2018’s edition, the average speed was 40.206 km/h.

If you want to do more than just view the data, Thomas Camminady scraped the site and put the data in a CSV file which you can access via his GitHub repository.

(via Data is Plural)

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